The D-Motor family expands (150 HP)
world premiere ...150 HP nominal at 2.850 RPM, MoGas powered, nearly flat torque ...
The D-Motor team has not been idle during the recent covid-19 quarantine. D-Motor's success is based on years of research and development. The continuous pursuit of perfection has led to a new evolution in our 6 cylinder engines. Many Drone builders and integrators are anxious to power their utility drones with a light but powerfull piston engine. The D-Motor team has the answer now !
We are proud to present our LF39TS, the perfect lightweight engine !
This 6 cylinder workhorse in supercharger version has a nominal power of 150 HP continuously at 2850 RPM! (MoGas powered).
List of LF39TT Features
The premium drone helicopter lightweight engine
Break Horse Power
Our engines always have up to 25% power reserve giving 150 BHP continuous with nearly flat torque performance.
Silent, low engine RPM
The fact that our engine delivers a great torque at low RPM makes our product perfect for utility and military aerial solutions.
Light Weight
Our 6 cylinder model, LF39TT, with centrifugal supercharger and intercooler is one of the lightest of its kind.
Areas of application
A versatile product for Aerial Solutions
Great Value
If electrical autonomy is too short and you need
a big lift capacity, or LF39TT is the best
product of its kind.
For lightweight helicopters
Due to the compact dimensions and the light weight , our engine is suitable for ULM Class 6 lightweight helicopters / drone and fixed wing planes.
For versatile drones / helicopters and fixed wing airplanes
Our lightweight engines come with versatile Engine Controller Units. Customers, integrators have been using our engines with success for utility and military helicopter drones.

LF39 TS 2021 Roadmap
We do not take engineering changes for granted at D-Motor.
We have our prototype 6 cylinder engine running on the test bench in our headquarters since the beginning of november 2020.
D-Motor will now test the engine on different airplanes, fixed wing, ULM helicopters, small helicopters and drone platforms for 2 quarters (Q1 and Q2 / 2021) to ensure the safest production release of the new evolution.
D-Motor starts the production of this fine engine at the second half of 2021, after satisfactory test reports.