
Engine logbook V1 2019 LF26 (4 cylinder D-Motor engine)

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2. Table of Contents Data Sheet 1 Engine installation record 2 Service Bulletin Status 4 Modification record 5 Maintenance record 9 Replacement of parts 24 Notations 28 General in formation 3 0 Rev 2019.1 , D - Motor international, all rig hts reserved ©

1. ENGINE LOG BOOK D - Motor type LF26 Edition 2019 REV 1

32. General Information 1.) The aircraft owner is re sponsible for the complete and truthfully keeping the log book. All entries have to be made lasting with ink or ballpoint. Cross out incorrect entries. The removal of pages is prohibited. 2.) In e n gine installation record (page 2 – 3) installation of the engin e has to be stated with named aircraft and reported operating hours. No need for entries if if engine was removed from and reinstalled in the same aircraft. 3.) In the SB - Bulletin or modification record (page 4 + 5 – 8) all airworthiness directives, technical bulletins and service information should be recorded. On page 4 if changes was made before installation with 0 hours, on page 5 – 8 if changes was mage during operating time. 4.) In the maintenance record (page 9 – 23) all performed maintenance, repair – and replacement work with periodic checks, changes and overhauls have to be stated and signed. 5.) The exchange of parts (page 24 – 27) must be recorded completely. No need to record expandable parts during periodic maintenance work like oil – and air filter , spar kplugs and suchlike. 6.) In the list of notations (page 28 – 29) all occurrences should be reported which was not stated under point 2 – 5 D - Motor International H.Q. Houtekietstraat 11, B - 8540 DEERLIJK – BELGIUM Website : https://www.d - motor.eu Communication : info@d - motor.eu 30

7. Modification record Airworthiness directive or modification TSN Date Signature 5

6. Service Bulletin Status Status airworthiness directiv e/modification at 0 - hours Date Signature 4

8. Modification record Airwort hiness directive or modification TSN Date Signature 6

9. Modification record Airworthiness directive or modification TSN Date Signature 7

10. Modificat ion record Airworthiness directive or modification TSN Date Signature 8

31. Notations Date Remark Signature 29

30. Notations Date Remark Signature 28

3. Engine Log book no: Type of engine D - Motor Engine serial no.: Model LF 26 ECU no.: Manufacturer D - MOTOR international Houtekietstraat 11 8540 Deerlijk Belgium Year of manufacture: Max. Power: 93 / 68 H p / kW At: 3.000 rpm Remarks: 1

11. Maintenance record Date Engine hours Work performed Signature TSN TSO 9

12. Maintenance record Date Engine hours Work performed Signature TSN TSO 10

15. Maintenance record Date Engine hours Work performed Signature TSN TSO 13

17. Maintenance record Date Engine hours Work performed Signature TSN TSO 15

18. Maintenance record Date Engine hours Work performed Signature TSN TSO 16

19. Maintenance record Date Engine hours Work performed Signature TSN TSO 17

25. Maintenance record Date Engine hours Work performed Signature TSN TSO 23

13. Maintenance record Date Engine hours Work performed Signature TSN TSO 11

16. Maintenance record Date Engine hours Work performed Signature TSN TSO 14

14. Maintenance record Date Engine hours Work performed Signature TSN TSO 12

21. Maintenance record Date Engine hours Work performed Signature TSN TSO 19

22. Maintenance record Date Engine hours Work performed Signature TSN TSO 20

23. Maintenance record Date Engine hours Work performed Signature TSN TSO 21

20. Maintenance record Date Engine hours Work performed Signature TSN . TSO 18

24. Maintenance recor d Date Engine hours Work performed Signature TSN TSO 22

4. D ate Signature: Engine installation record Aircraft Date Engine hours Signature Callsign Type Install. Removal TSN TSO 2

26. Replacement of parts Part / name & serial no. Install. Removal Signature Engine TSN Date Engine TSN Date 24

27. Replacement of parts Part / name & serial no. Install. Removal Signature Engine TSN Date Engine TSN Date 25

29. Replacement of parts name & serial no. Install. Removal Signature Engine TSN Date Engine TSN Date 27

5. Engine installation record Aircraft Date Engine hours Signature Callsign Type I nstall. Removal TSN TSO 3

28. Replacement of parts Part / name & serial no. Install. Removal Signature Engine TSN Date Engine TSN Date 26


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