Training courses for our intergators 

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Integrating an engine is more then mounting it into an airplane ...

Our test bench room is at your disposal. Our integrators / OEM customers learn how to mount, startup, fine - tune and control their engines. 155 HP delivered at the propellor or rotor is more then a mechanical action ! It needs training with our ECU software (Mapping), adjusting the engine with the right tools, and learning howto respond to the engines behaviour. 

We organise day training sessions troughout the year for our customers.

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Integrating is a learning proces

We help our customers integrating our engines into their aircraft. A fixed wing, a helicopter, a helicopter - drone, all of them require a different approach. 

At the D-Motor academy, we organise training sessions to learn about  the LF-Series in a hands - on way ! 

As a customer, you want your new engine performing as good as possible. We guarantee a swift training, and are happy to share our knowledge with you.

Contact us today and subscribe for a hands on LF-S series training sessions at our Head Quarters (Deerlijk, Belgium)