We make premium products

At D-Motor, we make premium products. Engines for aircrafts are stressed from lift-off to landing. Security and guaranteed perfermance are the keywords we work with, day in, day out.

  • We manufacture, test and prepare our engines with the utmost care
  • We provide a flawless after-sales service
Contact Us

01. Boxer engines

Our basic products are engines, 4 and 6 cylinder boxer engines made for helicopters and drones. You can find our engines also in y Fixed wing airplanes

02. Management and monotoring

Our engine control units are equiped with real time monitoring and management software tools

03. Controllers

We can deliver Pilot Assistance systems, remote pilot control systems and full automatic pilot systems

If you are looking for an economical engine, with high torque, low speed, low resonances and between 100 and 150 HP, then you have found your supplier